The JOys of Learning

Physics and chemistry


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Measurement Day 4

Before we move on to conversion practice, we will take some time today to make sure that we have completed and mastered the work from Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3.


  1. 1. Make sure that you have turned in the activity for Day 1, have received it back with corrections, and that you have turned it in a second time, acknowledging your corrections. (You should now have a number grade for Day 1).

  1. 2. Make sure that you have turned in the activity for Day 2, have received it back with corrections, and that you have turned it in a second time, acknowledging your corrections. (You should now have a number grade for Day 2).

  1. 3. By the end of today, make sure that you have turned in the activity for Day 3 (base units, prefixes, and story analysis).

  1. 4. View the videos on the metricamerica website.  There are at least 4.

  1. 5. Use the metricamerica site to teach yourself how to do metric conversions. You will need to know this for Day 5.


Review the stairstep diagram that you were given on the first day of school, make sure you understand it, and can use it to perform metric conversions.  You will be making metric conversions on Day 5.